среда, 9 июня 2010 г.

WCF Message Logging

Quick entry for future reference.

Incorporating WCF into apps requires learning new debugging techniques. 404 errors occur when almost anything goes wrong, which can make debugging a guessing game. You have tools at your disposal, but they're new and they require some time and experimentation.

The most important tool is service tracing. There are two parts of service tracing: setting up the trace and reading the trace result. You define your tracing request in web.config. You can change web.config directly, but this offers little help, validation or support. To make these edits easier, open web.config in the Service Configuration Editor. The graphical interface includes configuration-specific help for common tasks. The summary page under the diagnostics tab lets you set common values, including turning on tracing and logging, and specifying the file for trace output.
Full article: Adding WCF Services to Silverlight
See also:

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